Brown Scholar Noah Taylor Receives the Distinguished Military Graduate Award from the Army ROTC

Brown Scholar Noah Taylor was among 20 cadets nationwide who received the Distinguished Military Graduate Award by the Army ROTC. This award is given to cadets who have exemplified high scholarship, evidence of high moral character, military aptitude and demonstrated leadership ability. Upon graduation, Noah will be ranked in the top 15% of all […]
2024 Outstanding Senior Engineering Award recipients

Congratulations to the following Students! Rahul Ayanampudi – Aerospace Engineering Anish Easwaran – Biomedical Engineering Bailey Faulk – Electrical Engineering Jacob Isakson – Mechanical Engineering John Lehan – Computer Science Diego Ross – Nuclear Engineering; Minors in Business and English Sarah Voon – Biomedical Engineering; Minor in Mathematics Griffyn Young – Electrical Engineering […]
Anish Easwaran Selected as a Rhodes Scholar Finalist and is Nominated for the 2024 Marshall Scholarship

Brown Scholar Anish Easwaran, a senior biomedical engineering student, has been selected as a Rhodes Scholar Finalist. The Rhodes Scholarship is the most prestigious, fully funded, merit-based scholarship for postgraduate students worldwide. Winners study at the University of Oxford for 2 or more years. Anish is also a nominee for the Marshall Scholarship. Anish was also […]
Brown Scholars Win Gathright Scholar, Dean’s Excellence Award and Honorable Mention- College of Engineering

Two students in each classification in each college are selected for recognition; the top student is recognized with the Gathright Scholar Award and the second with the Dean’s Excellence Award. Two additional students are selected for honorable mention. Gathright and Dean’s Excellence Awards recognize and celebrate outstanding first and second year students with exceptional promise […]
Brown Scholars Vibha Velur and Ananya Bhawsinka Win Outstanding Intern Award and Ananya Wins the Leadership Award at the conclusion of the 2024 Houston Methodist Summer Undergraduate Research Internship

At the conclusion of The Houston Methodist Summer Undergraduate Research Internship, Brown Scholars Vibha Velur and Anaya Bhawsinka received the Outstanding Intern Award. This award recognizes interns who demonstrate unparalleled dedication, initiative and outstanding performance during the 10-week internship. Ananya also received the Leadership Award for her initiative and group leader volunteering efforts. Vibha’s […]
Brown Scholar Theresa Tran Wins 1st Place at the 2024 Houston Methodist MAPTA Summer Symposium Poster Presentation at the conclusion of the Houston Methodist Summer Undergraduate Research Internship

Brown Scholar Theresa Tran won 1st place at the Houston Methodist MAPTA Summer Symposium Poster Presentation at the conclusion of the 10-week Houston Methodist Summer Undergraduate Research Internship among 75+ interns. Theresa’s research in the Horner Lab investigated the use of ventral spinal stimulation (VSS) in rats to improve motor function after spinal cord […]
Brown Scholar Melody Yeh Wins 1st Place at the A&M Undergraduate Summer Research Program (REU) Program Poster Presentation

Brown Scholar Melody Yeh won 1st place among 60+ student competitors at the 10-week A&M Undergraduate Summer Research Program Poster Presentation. Melody’s research focused on optimizing the speed and efficiency of a novel, affordable and tunable computational microscope for luminescence lifetime imaging, an important biomarker for understanding the molecular microenvironment in cells and tissues. The […]
Brown Scholars Siddharth Venkatraman, Joshua Robert and their Team Win 1st Place At TAMUhack 2024 – PIMCO Challenge

Brown Scholars Siddharth Venkatraman, Joshua Robert and their team won 1st place at TAMUhack 2024- PIMCO Challenge. TAMUhack attracted 800 student competitors nation-wide with a 24-hour challenge to innovate cutting edge software and hardware solutions to real-world problems. The team developed a financial dashboard to provide comprehensive financial insights and tools including stock recommendations […]
Trenton Watson, Nacho Durante, Daniel Alexander, and Rahul Ayanampudi place 10th overall at Spaceport America Cup

Brown Scholars Nacho (Juan) Durante, Trenton Watson, Daniel Alexander, and Rahul Ayanampudi competed in the Spaceport America Cup competition in Las Cruces, New Mexico against 152 teams including 62 international teams. The team developed a camera payload for live video transmission and telemetry during and after launch and a radar payload that measures altitude […]
Gowtham Kadiyala and His Team Win 1st Place at Phantom Aggies Invent

Brown Scholar Gowtham Kadiyala and his team won 1st place at Phantom Aggies Invent, a collaboration between TAMU and III Armored Corps. Their invention modified new-generation military vehicles carrying transport stretchers for injured soldiers during emergencies and heavy combat. The team designed a versatile rack that slides onto an existing rail system at the back of […]